News Release
Hail to the chef
New Champs
In the Bag
Randy's Green Jacket
Dieterle's Replacement
Girly Men
Field Set for GVIII
Focus on Tequila
Not Again!
Patio to miss round 1
What Matters, Matters
New Champs Assured
The Real Stan Signs
Elvis is NOT in Cabin
Quackenbush Signs
Lazy Loozers
Rumors of 2nd Major
Bateson 1st GVIII rookie
Sprague set to defend
GVIII letters in mail
Quackenbush Signs

August 17, 2004

COLUMBUS, OH — Jeff Blankenburg, the 2002 Golfapalooza Raw Score Champion, has signed to play in the final major of the year at Alpine Lake.  Jeff will be making his third appearance at Alpine Lake, but his first without his sponsor and inspiration, Max Dieterle.  "There's no denying that Max has prepared me for this grueling 3-day tournament the last two years.  He serves as my inspiration.  During the cold and rainy September nights of Terra Alta, I could always depend on Max to keep me warm and focused.  This year, it may take a lot of Bette Midler (Wind Beneath My Wings) and a calling card", sighed Jeff from his 1-bedroom studio apartment in Columbus.

In other news, rookies Eric Melick and Bill Bateson remain in Washington D.C. and have pledged to spearhead the re-election campaign of New Jersey Governor James McGreevey.