News Release
Hail to the chef
New Champs
In the Bag
Randy's Green Jacket
Dieterle's Replacement
Girly Men
Field Set for GVIII
Focus on Tequila
Not Again!
Patio to miss round 1
What Matters, Matters
New Champs Assured
The Real Stan Signs
Elvis is NOT in Cabin
Quackenbush Signs
Lazy Loozers
Rumors of 2nd Major
Bateson 1st GVIII rookie
Sprague set to defend
GVIII letters in mail
New Champs Assured

August 29, 2004

WHEELING, WV — For the last three years, the team of Slick, Gus, Spraguer, and Max have taken the four-man best ball title held on Thursday. This year, new champs are assured as Max will not be there to help defend the title. Gus Sokos was asked to give his thoughts on this year's match.

"I'm actually glad Max isn't coming because it gives me a chance to prove to everyone that I was the backbone of that team and not Greg. My scores may not have shown it, but I was able to keep the whole squad loose and relaxed to be able to concentrate on golf. You can say all you want about the Tequila Sunrises from last year, but they didn't do a thing to me. I was acting like I was hammered; it was all part of my plan."

GStan listened to what Gus had to say and then added, "I usually don't believe a word that Gus says, but I may have to work the Thursday pairings to see if there's any merit to this theory. JT was telling me that Gus helped them win back-to-back scramble titles at GII & GIII in the same fashion. I don't know who to believe. Certainly not Brent. He doesn't have a chance against Sheik in the MELC bet. I've been thinking about putting some money down on Sheik myself."

25 days remain until the opening shot at GVIII, followed by the opening tee shot.