News Release
Hail to the chef
New Champs
In the Bag
Randy's Green Jacket
Dieterle's Replacement
Girly Men
Field Set for GVIII
Focus on Tequila
Not Again!
Patio to miss round 1
What Matters, Matters
New Champs Assured
The Real Stan Signs
Elvis is NOT in Cabin
Quackenbush Signs
Lazy Loozers
Rumors of 2nd Major
Bateson 1st GVIII rookie
Sprague set to defend
GVIII letters in mail
Sprague set to defend

June 26, 2004

COLOMA, MI — Don Sprague's registration form was received at Golfapalooza Headquarters yesterday, marking the first official registrant for Golfapalooza VIII. Sprague, the GVII MELC Cup winner, plans to execute a similar strategy to the one that helped him win last year. "I may go play nine once or twice and go to the range a few times, but that's it. These guys that play twenty times a year; what good does it do them? I plan on showing up and feeding off the mountains of positive energy that Dieterle contributes year in and year out to this event."

Butter Flanagan was excited to hear about Sprague's registration. "Sprague is everything that is good about Golfapalooza. The guy has a dip and a beer almost all weekend, camps out in the cinema room, and keeps Squib from going to the hospital. What more can you ask for?"

Less than 90 days remain until GVIII.