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Bateson 1st GVIII rookie
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GVIII letters in mail
Bateson 1st GVIII rookie

July 24, 2004

POWELL, OH — Bill Bateson became the first rookie to sign for GVIII this week. Butter Flanagan recaps the recruitment of Bateson.

"Bill lives in my neighborhood, down the street from Lyme and Cross. He's been a major player in our poker games for a few years. He's gotten really sick of Lyme and myself telling GVII stories that he doesn't understand and finally said he wanted to show up for GVIII because he didn't believe a word either of us was saying. The fact that he is friends with Slick sealed the deal for him attending."

Bateson is no stranger to tournament golf, having played in the 2003 Carl Spackler Open. He has some big tournament experience, but how will Bill handle the ceremonial Jager shots on the first tee and the pine cones in the zippers at the 18th green? Only time will tell.

Sixty days remain until the practice round.